Join Chatting Room or Meeting Room
It's simple to publish the local participant's camera and/or microphone streams to the room.
Let's see how to initialize an arctos instance.
// wait for arctos-widget.js to load
window.addEventListener('ArctosLoad', async function (e) {
// create an instance of Arctos
var arctosSdkInstance = new Arctos({
endpointUrl: 'https://[your-endpoint-url]/',
endpointKey: '[your-endpoint-key]',
// create a session object
await arctosSdkInstance.initSession({
sessionId: '[task-number]',
accessToken: '[your-access-token]',
// other code here
Then by calling arctos.initMeetingRoom method you can join a properly initialized session.
// create a meeting room
await arctosSdkInstance.initMeetingRoom({
isDebug: false,
recordingAutoStart: false,
showPrejoin: false,
showToolbar: false,
You must ask CMS Server for a user token. To do so:
Initialize a Task in CMS Server
Create a [moderator/publisher] in this task in CMS Server
Push the accessToken to your client-side to use it on
The following url is a sample code for joining a meeting room.